How chennai will cope if the water crisis continues ?
When families live on three pots of water a day: Lessons from Chennai
Every locality has a head who distributes water among citizens twice a day morning and evening. Every day forty families get five buckets of water each. These families get their turn only after two days or sometimes, three. This is to avoid conflict among the citizens for water.
The Two Siblings were drinking water from pot
In Other Streets of Nanganallur, how are people managing with just 15 pots of water for the whole week?
Some use water very cautiously while use the saltwater when in need. Only a few can afford to buy water from the private tankers.
Across all these low-income localities, it appears that the Sintex tanks have been placed. In many slums, these tanks were always present, but the residents did not really need them. Most of them got water either through hand pumps or piped water supply.
A girl sits patiently while her mother draws water from Tank
Despite having Metro water connections, many people do not get water. So it is the duty of the Chennai Metro water department to ensure fair distribution of water at least through these Sintex tanks.
Wait for water affects regular lives
The uncertainty of water tankers has forced many college students to bunk classes and women to quit their jobs,” said by a Resident In Nanganallur.
Residents of Nanganallur Area Getting water From Metro Lorry
Especially Many men and women in this Area work as domestic maids, electricians and manual scavengers, so that the task of waiting for water is so Tough.Moreover Water has ruined relationships. Close friends turned enemies because of water, says Geetha Resident of Nanganallur.
The current scenario
As August comes close, Chennai is slowly trying to recuperate from one of the gravest water crises ever faced in history. In terms of rainfall, the situation has been the worst in the last 140 years, due primarily to the poor North East monsoon last year. Water supply has never been worse in the last 14 years.
Thanks to some good rain that we received over the last few weeks. It has helped in groundwater recharge, and therefore we can continue to provide water from borewells said by the Resident.
What can citizens do?
On their part, citizens must embrace rainwater harvesting, grey water recycling and water conservation methods for build to restore water.Citizens must understand and push for better water.
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