Monday, August 29, 2016

Promotion of Amma sports foundation


Amma sports foundation which was held today at Madras University Chepauk, where many students turned   up to attend the function and have volunteered themselves to come and attended the function which was a positive dimension for the attendees toward building  their carrier in sports.  After 1995 SAF games in Chennai under the honorable Chief Minister Selvi Jayalalitha, this was the second time bringing up the state sport into a new millennium toward promoting and giving more scope to the people through today’s   “AMMA SPORTS FOUNDATION”.  Such was the magnanimity of the golden heart of the sports world. As a sports foundation the youngsters were proud and honoured to use the name that is associated with such great honor.
The special guests of the day’s program were Sivakumar, Nayanthara, Arjun, R.V Udayakumar, Nazar, Sneha Prasanna, Atlee, Sonia Agarwal, P.T Usha, K.Srikkanth, Viswanthan Anand and Bhaskaran.

Protest against government by the Retired

The retired conductors and the drivers are nearly seventy thousand since 2003. No retirement benefits from the government from ten years.

Chennai, Chepauk august 29,2016: The Tamilnadu government seems to have got into trouble. The drivers and the conductors from all over Tamilnadu has come on the roads for a protest against the government of Tamilnadu for their retirement benefits that has not been given from the year 2012.

Provident fund(P.F), gratuity,commutation and EL are the benefits that the government is supposed to give to the every retired citizen of Tamilnadu. But the transport department's retired people were not given all these from ten years and they had asked the government for the money or the benefits they were supposed to get. Yet they were not paid attention on the subject.

"Our benefits are used for the transport maintenance purpose by the government. They keep on telling us that they are out of the funds and will do it soon but the government has been saying this from ten years. It's hard for us survive without this",said one of the people who protested.

Almost everybody in the protest showed their agony on the present ruling government party. They say that they had got all the benefits properly during the DMK's rule and very disappointed with "amma". At present the ruling government has been discussing on the issue in the secretariat. "But we don't have any hopes that the government would agree on this. And we are very sure that we won't calm down or stop our protest until the government comes with a positive progress,"said an oldman in the group.

In these ten years, these people had done many protests and asked for their benefits in many ways but still they did not succeed. There are women too in the protest against the government who crossed their sixty years of age and yet waiting for their own benefits from the government.

New traffic regulations , suffers commercial vechicles , bullock carts

Daily wage earners of the commercial vechicle labours are now jobless due to new traffic regulation . many of daily wages labours at north Chennai have been struggling without work because of pretiting the commercial vechicle in the road . due to traffic control purpose .
even tricycles and bullock cards are not being allowed without any loading or unloading works. in the early days for loading and unloading works the tricycles and bullock carts were mostly used but now a days , now many of them shifted into tata ace, or mini auto so the commercial owners are now jobless and if they got any orders to unloading the goods the police officers are not allowing them in the road . because of the traffic control .only in the night they can allowed bullock carts for the loading purpose 
said balamurugan owner of one bullock carts it was not possible to unload the goods in nights as they are not alert at the time  and chances of getting hurt were higher  if we start work in the morning . we would have finished most of our work by night.
most of the cows are from perambur murugan a worker said  that we are not eraning any profits with cows . so if the cows gets ill they send all cows for the curry shops for certain amount . due to this jobless problems my two childrens are discontinued there studies and going for jobs . this is what happeing to all labours. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Deaf and Blind are never the barriers 

In-spite of being deaf and blind, an eighty five-year old man has been working with metals for sixty years. He has been making his own occupation with the art that he learnt from his grandfather from the age of twenty five.

Chennai, Mylapore august 22,2016: An old man who is about eighty five years of age has been succeeding in life with his own occupation that he has learnt from his grandfather. He is deaf and blind from the time he was born.He makes cones out of metal which are the materials used in the marriage ceremonies of Brahmans. 

He does the work through the practice that he has been doing from sixty years. The metal cones that he makes are being made by using tools like hammer and rods. But this man finds and uses the tools in a appropriate and accurate manner. He sells a pair for rupees fifty.

Most of them call him as "Thagudu thaatha". His native is Chennai and he is the only man who makes this material in the whole Mylapore. "He never stays in a place without working and he loves his work.Even after their children many times told to quit his work and rest, he refused to do it because he finds his happiness in his work",said his neighbour. 

He has three children and wife passed away. His two daughters are married and work as maids and his son is a driver and married too. He stays with his elder daughter and he has been taken care by all his three children. The elder one brings him the food everyday afternoon as he is busy all the day from morning 10 am to evening 4.30 pm.

"My dad is a gentleman. He loves his work and never he is a burden to us. I wanted him to be with me always and after my mom passed away ,he was very stubborn with his life and nourishing our lives",says the elder daughter.

"Am deaf and blind, but have never bothered me in my life nor were the barriers of my life. I took them as a challenge and learnt the work with love and devotion and has been succeeding all through my life. Even now i don't bother my children nor ask them money,instead i give them in their need",says Thagudu thaatha-"metal man".

Thursday, August 4, 2016

роЙрогро╡роХрод்родை  родேроЯி . . . 

     рооройிродройிрой் роЕрод்родிропாро╡роЪிроп родேро╡ைроХро│ாрой роЙрогро╡ு, роЙроЯை, роЗро░ுрок்рокிроЯроо் роЗро╡ро▒்ро▒ிрой் рооுродро▓் родேро╡ைропாрой роЙрогро╡ு, родрооிро┤роХрод்родிрой் родро▓ைрооை рокро▓்роХро▓ைроХ்роХро┤роХрооாрой  роЪெрой்ройை рокро▓்роХро▓ைроХ்роХро┤роХрод்родிрой் ро╡роХுрок்рокுроХро│் роЖро░роо்рокிрод்родு роЗро░рог்роЯு рооாродроЩ்роХро│் роЖроХிропுроо் роЙрогро╡роХроо் роЪெропро▓்рокроЯாрооро▓் роЗро░ுрок்рокродு рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│ை рокெро░ிродுроо் рокாродிроХ்роХிро▒родு.

роХроЯрои்род роХро▓்ро╡ி роЖрог்роЯிро▓் ро╡роХுрок்рокுроХро│் роиிро▒ைро╡ு рокெро▒ுро╡родро▒்роХு рооுрой்ройро░ே роЙрогро╡роХрод்родிрой் роТро░ு роЖрог்роЯு роХுрод்родроХை роиிро▒ைро╡ு рокெро▒்ро▒родாроХ роХூро▒ி рооாро░்роЪ் рооாрод роЗро▒ுродிропிро▓் ро╡ро│ாроХ роЙрогро╡роХроо் роХாро▓ி роЪெроп்родு рооூроЯрок்рокроЯ்роЯродு. роХро▓்ро╡ி роЖрог்роЯிрой் роЗро▒ுродி роиாроЯ்роХро│் роОрой்ро▒ு рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│் роЕродை рокொро░ுроЯ்рокроЯுрод்родро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை. роЖройாро▓் роЕрой்ро▒ு рооூроЯрок்рокроЯ்роЯ  ро╡ро│ாроХ роЙрогро╡роХроо் роЗроХ்роХро▓்ро╡ி роЖрог்роЯு родொроЯроЩ்роХி роЗро░рог்роЯு рооாродроо் роЖроХிропுроо் родிро▒роХ்роХрок்рокроЯாрооро▓் роЙро│்ро│родு.  

рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│் рокро▓்роХро▓ைроХ்роХро┤роХ ро╡ро│ாроХрод்родிро▓் роЙрогро╡роХроо் роЗро▓்ро▓ாрод роХாро░рогрод்родாро▓் роЕро░ுроХிро▓் роЙро│்ро│ рокொродு рокрогிрод்родுро▒ை роЪிро▒்ро▒ுрог்роЯி роЪாро▓ைропிро▓் роЙро│்ро│ роХроЯைроХро│ிро▓் ро╡ாроЩ்роХி роЙроЯ்роХொро│்ро│роХிрой்ро▒ройро░். рокрогроо், роХாро▓роо், роЙроЯро▓்роиро▓роо் роОрой роОро▓்ро▓ா родро░рок்рокிро▓ுроо் рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│் рокாродிрок்рокுроХ்роХு роЙро│்ро│ாроХிрой்ро▒ройро░்.

"ро╡ро│ாроХрод்родிро▓் роЙро│்ро│ роЙрогро╡роХроо் роОрой்ро▒ாро▓் роТро░ு ро╡ேро▓ைроХ்роХு роХுро▒ைрои்родродு ро░ூрокாроп் 15 рооுродро▓் 25роХ்роХுро│்  роЙро│்ро│роЯроЩ்роХுроо், роЖройாро▓் ро╡ெро│ிропே роЪெрой்ро▒ு роЪாрок்рокிроЯுроо் рокோродு роЪெро▓ро╡ு роЗро░ுроороЯроЩ்роХாроХிро▒родு" 
                           -  родройро▓роЯ்роЪுрооி, роЗро░рог்роЯாроо் роЖрог்роЯு рооுродுроиிро▓ை рооாрогро╡ி   
рооூроЯрок்рокроЯ்роЯ роиிро▓ைропிро▓் роЙро│்ро│ роЪெрой்ройை рокро▓்роХро▓ைроХ்роХро┤род்родிрой் роЙрогро╡роХроо்  

роЪெрой்ройை рокро▓்роХро▓ைроХ்роХро┤роХроо் родрооிро┤роХрод்родிрой் родро▓ைрооை рокро▓்роХро▓ைроХ்роХро┤роХрооாроХ родிроХро┤்ро╡родாро▓் роЗроЩ்роХு родрооிро┤роХрод்родிрой் рокро▓்ро╡ேро▒ு рооாро╡роЯ்роЯроЩ்роХро│ிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родுроо், ро╡ெро│ிрооாроиிро▓роо், ро╡ெро│ிроиாроЯு роОрой்ро▒ு роЕройைрод்родு родро░рок்рокு рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│ுроо் роХро▓்ро╡ி рокропிро▓ роЖроЪைрок்рокроЯ்роЯு рокро▓ роХройро╡ுроХро│ுроЯрой் ро╡ро░ுроХிрой்ро▒ройро░். роЖройாро▓் роЗро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роЙрогро╡ு роЕро░ுрои்род ро╡ро│ாроХрод்родிро▓் роЙрогро╡роХроо் роЗро▓்ро▓ை роОрой்рокродு ро╡ро░ுрод்родродிро▒்роХுро░ிропро░ிропродு.

роХுро▒ிрок்рокாроХ роЗроЩ்роХு роХро▓்ро╡ி рокропிро▓்рокро╡ро░்роХро│் роироЯுрод்родро░ роХுроЯுроо்рокроЩ்роХро│ை роЪேро░்рои்родро╡ро░்роХро│ாроХро╡ே роЙро│்ро│ройро░். роЗродு роЗроо்рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுрооிрой்ро▒ி роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роХுроЯுроо்рокроЩ்роХро│ைропுроо் рокொро░ுро│ாродாро░ ро╡роХைропிро▓்  рокாродிроХ்роХிро▒родு.

роХுро▒ிрок்рокிроЯ்роЯ роиேро░род்родிро▒்роХுро│் роЕро░ுроХிро▓் роЙро│்ро│ рокொродு рокрогிрод்родுро▒ைропிро▓் роЙро│்ро│ роЪிро▒்ро▒ுрог்роЯி роЪாро▓ை роЙрогро╡роХроо் роЪெрой்ро▒ு роЙрогро╡ு роЕро░ுрои்родி ро╡ро░ роиேро░роо் рокோродுрооாройродாроХ роЗро▓்ро▓ாродாро▓் рокро▓ рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│் ро╡роХுрок்рокிро▒்роХு родாроородрооாроХро╡ுроо் роЪிро▓ро░் ро╡роХுрок்рокுроХро│ை родро╡ро░ро╡ுроо்  ро╡ிроЯுроХிрой்ро▒ройро░். 

роЕродே рокோро▓ роЕроЩ்роХு роЕройைрод்родு родро░рок்рокு роороХ்роХро│ுроо் ро╡рои்родு роЙрогро╡ு роЙрог்рокродாро▓ுроо், роХுро▒ிрок்рокாроХ  рокொродு рокрогிрод்родுро▒ை роКро┤ிропро░்роХро│ுроо் роЕроЩ்роХு роЕродிроХроо் ро╡ро░ுро╡родாро▓் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХே роЕроЩ்роХு рооுродро▓் роЙро░ிрооைроХро│ுроо் роЕройுроЪро░ிрок்рокுроо் роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо். рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│ோ роиிрой்ро▒рокроЯி ро╡ேроХрооாроХ родроЩ்роХро│் ро╡роЪроо் роЙро│்ро│ рокрогрод்родிро▒்роХ்роХேро▒்рок роЙрогро╡ை роЕро░ுрои்родி ро╡ро│ாроХроо் ро╡рои்родроЯைроХிрой்ро▒ройро░். 

роТро╡்ро╡ாрооை роХாро░рогрооாроХ роЪிро▓ рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роЕро╡்ро╡рок்рокோродு роЙроЯро▓் роиிро▓ை роЪро░ிропிро▓்ро▓рооாро▓் рокோро╡родாро▓் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் родроЩ்роХро│் роородிроп роЙрогро╡ை родро╡ிро░்роХ்роХிрой்ро▒ройро░். 

"ро╡ீроЯ்роЯிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родு ро╡ро░ுроо் рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│ை  роХாроЯ்роЯிро▓ுроо், ро╡ிроЯுродிропிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родு ро╡ро░ுрокро╡ро░்роХро│்  роиிро▓ை родாрой் рооிроХро╡ுроо் роХро╖்роЯрооாройродு" 
                                                         - роЯேро╡ிроЯ், роЗро░рог்роЯாроо் роЖрог்роЯு рооுродுроиிро▓ை рооாрогро╡ро░்

рооாрогро╡ро░்  роЗродு роХுро▒ிрод்родு рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│் рокро▓்роХро▓ைроХ்роХро┤роХрод்родிрой் роЪிрог்роЯிроХேроЯ் роХுро┤ு  родро▓ைрооைропிроЯроо் роиாроЯிропрокோродு роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் родுрогை ро╡ேрои்родро░் ро╡рои்родாро▓் родாрой் роЙрогро╡ாроХрод்родிрой் рокுродிроп роТрок்рокрои்родроо் роХைропро│ிрод்родிроЯрок்рокроЯ்роЯு роЙрогро╡роХроо் родிро▒роХ்роХрокроЯுроо் роОрой்ро▒ு роЕро▓роЯ்роЪிропрооாроХ роХூро▒ுроХிрой்ро▒ройро░்.  

"родுрогை ро╡ேрои்родро░் роЗро▓்ро▓ாрооாро▓்  ро╡роХுрок்рокுроХро│்  роироЯроХ்роХிрой்ро▒рой, рокро▓்роХро▓ைроХ்роХро┤роХ ро╡ிро┤ாроХ்роХро│் роироЯைрокெро▒ுроХிрой்ро▒рой, рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│் роЪேро░்роХ்роХை роироЯроХ்роХிрой்ро▒рой , роЗроЩ்роХு рокрогி  роЪெроп்рокро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு рооாродроо் родро╡ро▒ாрооро▓் роКродிропроо் роЪெро▓்роХிрой்ро▒родு. роЖройாро▓் роЙрогро╡роХрод்родிро▒்роХு роороЯ்роЯுроо் родுрогை ро╡ேрои்родро░்  роЗро▓்ро▓ роХாро░рогрод்родை роХூро▒ுроХிрой்ро▒ройро░்"
                                                                                              - роЕрок்родுро▓் роХро░ீроо் , роЖроп்ро╡ு рооாрогро╡ро░்

рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│் роЗродுро╡ро░ை рокро▓ рокிро░роЪ்роЪройைроХро│ுроХ்роХு рокோро░ாроЯ்роЯроо் роироЯрод்родி родроЩ்роХро│் роЙро░ிрооைроХро│ை рокெро▒்ро▒ு роЙро│்ро│ройро░், роЖройாро▓் роЙрогро╡роХроо்  ро╡ிроЪропродிро▓் роЕрооைродிропாрой рооுро▒ைропிро▓் родாрой் роЗрой்ро▒ுро╡ро░ை  роХேроЯ்роЯு ро╡ро░ுроХிрой்ро▒ройро░் роЖройாро▓் роЪிрог்роЯிроХேроЯ் роХுро┤ுро╡ுроо், родрооிро┤роХ  роЕро░роЪுроо் роЗрой்ройுроо் роЪெро╡ி роЪாроп்роХ்роХாрооро▓் рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│ை роЗрок்рокроЯி рокроЯ்роЯிройி рокோроЯுро╡родிро▓் рокро▓ роЕро░роЪிропро▓் роЗро░ுроХ்роХிрой்ро▒родு.   


60 years , protest against government

A large group of 60 years retired citizens protested outside MLA hostel in chepauk seeking retirement funds , unfortunately women's are more in numbers .

on behalf of the people AITUC , labour workers protest against the government to provide their retirement funds , as per the government the act no 36 . was issued on 28.2. 2011.people from the various places are participated in the protest . the total allotment of retirement fund is 3000 monthly but they are not getting the full amount . some of them are getting 1000 rs alone. according to this problem suffered peoples approached the civil charges there were no proper response in it. when the technology turns to computer there was no immediate action was taken by the respective officers . most of the women's are suffering for food and they are from different villages .

the respective officers are compareing the rashion card age with the adhar card if there any mistakes have found they are not provideing the retirement funds.those who are completed the age 60 are eligible candidates to get the retirement funds but for past 5 years the funds are not given to the senior citizens the government should take proper action towards it .

Heroes in the STABLE

Heroes in the "Stable"

Stable consists of ten horses where every horse is considered as the hero. The amount spent on them  is about 3,700 rupees a day. Each hero has a name.

Chennai, Chepauk, Aug,2016: Each person has a hero in his life and it may be from an influence or guidance but here in Chepauk a man considers his ten horses as the heroes of his life. Interestingly he spends nearly three thousand seven hundred rupees on them for a day.

This man named P.Siva, is making his living with these ten horses from twenty two years. The horses are rented for the wedding or the other cultural occasions. He earns about five thousand for weddings and more than seven thousand depending on the occasions.

He says,"My horses are the heroes of my life, because am able to make my living out of their cooperation and work. So i take care of them as my own children. People are appointed to groom them every day including cleaning their stools."said the owner.

Five to six people work in the stable to take of the horses and their grooming. They clean the horses every day and feed them thrice a day. The diet of the horses include bran, millet and grass. Water is provided three to four times a day.

One of the horses named Armstrong stand as the center of  attraction. He wore a red colored thick fabric cloth to cover his body from flies as he is very sensitive. He dances and is the most wanted and likable by many people. The others are Lakshmi a female, Kuttipuli, Bheema, Chitti, Kabali, Raju, etc.

Even the workers treat the horses like one. They say,"we don't hurt them, they listen and obey us. some of them dance well. we are the ones who take them to the occasions so we treat them as our own children as they are the main reason for our living."

Chepauk station is totally ‘off‘ in Offseason

“Every day I have to carry all these packets and climb all these steps which seem like a big steep. As the gaps between steps are more than usual it’s really hard. No Escalator for years and lift will work only when it feels to.” Says Sumati, a daily passenger in chepauk Railway station

The non-working Escalator and its parts lying as debris in different sides in chepauk railway station is a common scene for travellers in couple of years .The rusted engine, unclean floor, dirty rails and moving street dogs in every nook and corner give a horror atmosphere to the station.

”The lag in the approval of tender by the central government is the reason for this. The other reason is lack of maintenance, school / college students and common people are the majority who comes here, they play on them and thus result in destroying. “says T Lakshmanamoorthy , Ticket Checker at the station . He also added that station lacks manpower.

The only one RPF officer between Beach station to chepauk explains the uncertainty in security for passengers. Even if there are no reported crime cases from the station, the scenario in moonlight is not safe even for a man. Lack of proper lighting and intrusion of locals to station are serious threats. The major rush time of station is between 9.00 to 10. 30 am and 4.30 to 7.00 pm Station seems to be almost empty after this time. During this time the street dogs and gangs of students playing with ‘danger’ by de-training without stopping creates tension. The lack of security guards is the key reason for all these.

 In the light of series of attacks in railway stations it is high time to take serious steps to ensure the safety and proper infrastructure of suburban stations like this. 

роорои்родрооாрой роиிро▓ைропிро▓் роХроЯ்роЯிроЯ рокрогிроХро│்

роЪெрой்ройை роЕропோрод்родிроп роироХро░ிро▓் рооீройро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХாроХ роХுроЯிропிро░ுрок்рокு роХроЯ்роЯிроЯ рокрогிроХро│் роорои்родрооாрой роиிро▓ைропிро▓் роЙро│்ро│рой.

роЗрои்род рокрогி роХроЯрои்род 2012-ропிро▓் родொроЯроЩ்роХி 2014-роХுро│் рооுроЯிрод்родு родро░рок்рокроЯுроо் роОрой்ро▒ு роХுроЯிроЪை рооாро▒்ро▒ு ро╡ாро░ிропрод்родாро▓் родெро░ிро╡ிроХ்роХрок்рокроЯ்роЯродு. роЖройாро▓் роЗрой்ройுроо் рокрогிроХро│் рооுроЯிропроиிро▓ைропிро▓் роЙро│்ро│рой.

роЕродрой் ро╡ிро│ைро╡ாроХ роороХ்роХро│் роЗро░ுрок்рокிроЯிрод்родрооிрой்ро▒ி роЕро╡родிрок்рокроЯுроо் роиிро▓ைрооைроХ்роХு роЖро│ாроХிропுро│்ро│ройро░். роПройெройிро▓் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு рооாро▒்ро▒ு роЗроЯроо் роЕро│ிроХ்роХாрооро▓் роХுроЯிропிро░ுрок்рокு рокроХுродிроХро│ை роХுроЯிроЪை рооாро▒்ро▒ு ро╡ாро░ிропроо் роХாро▓ி роЪெроп்родு роЕро╡ро▓ роиிро▓ைроХ்роХு родро│்ро│ிропுро│்ро│родு.

родрооிро┤роХ роЕро░роЪிрой் ро╡ро░ுроЯроо் роОроЯ்роЯாропிро░роо் ро░ூрокாроп்  роХுроЯிроЪை рооாро▒்ро▒ு ро╡ாро░ிропрод்родாро▓் родро░рок்рокроЯுроо் роОрой்ро▒ு родெро░ிро╡ிрод்родродு роХுро▒ிрок்рокிроЯродроХ்роХродு. роЕройாро▓் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роЗро░рог்роЯாропிро░роо் ро░ூрокாроп் роороЯ்роЯுрооே роЕро░роЪிроЯроо் роЗро░ுрои்родு роХிроЯைрод்родродு. ро╡ீроЯ்роЯு ро╡ாроЯроХைропுроо் роРропாропிро░роо் ро░ூрокாроп்роХ்роХு рооேро▓் роЕродுро╡ுроо் роТро░ு рооாродрод்родிро▒்роХு роороЯ்роЯுрооே роОрой்ро▒ு роЕрок்рокроХுродி ро╡ாро┤் роороХ்роХро│் рооிроХро╡ுроо்    ро╡ро▒ுрод்родுродுроЯрой் роХроЯ்роЯிроЯ рокрогிроХро│ை ро╡ிро░ைрои்родு рооுроЯிроХ்роХுроо் рооாро▒ு родெро░ிро╡ிроХ்роХிрой்ро▒рой. 

Junk storage increases in Madras University

                            Junk storage increases in Madras University

    Non disposable materials are stored as junk in 150 years old Madras University.
Material like fused Tube lights, Plastics covers, papers were not properly disposed, which directly leads to a unhealthy atmosphere in and around the university.  Suraj student of political science department said," We have complain to the respected authorities to clean up this junk, and to place in a proper place but till now no proper action has been taken so far and still this issue goes on due to
lack of attention by the authorities". A huge pile of fused tube lights are not disposed and placed near the generator room, Which creates unhealthy atmosphere in the historical university in and around the campus.

роХроЯ்роЯுрооாрой родொро┤ிро▓ாро│ро░்роХро▓ிрой் роЙрог்рогாро╡ிро░род рокோро░ாроЯ்роЯроо்

роХроЯ்роЯுрооாрой родொро┤ிро▓ாро│ро░்роХро▓ிрой் роЙрог்рогாро╡ிро░род рокோро░ாроЯ்роЯроо்

родрооிро┤்роиாроЯு роХроЯ்роЯுрооாрой рокрогிропிро▓் роУроп்ро╡ூ рокெро▒்ро▒ рокро▓ родொро┤ிро▓ாро│ро░்роХро│் роУроп்ро╡ூродிропроо் рокெро▒ рооுроЯிропாрооро▓், роЕро░роЪாрогை роОрог்.36 роХроЯைрокிроЯிроХ்роХாрооро▓் ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокродாро░ро░்роХро│் роЕро▓ைроХ்роХро┤ிроХ்роХрок்рокроЯுро╡родை роОродிро░்род்родு, роЪெрой்ройை роЪேрок்рокாроХ்роХроо் роЕро░роЪு ро╡ிро░ுрои்родிройро░் рооாро│ிроХை роЕро░ுроХிро▓் родрооிро┤்роиாроЯு роХроЯ்роЯுрооாрой родொро┤ிро▓ாро│ро░்роХро│் роЙрог்рогாро╡ிро░род рокோро░ாроЯ்роЯрод்родிро▓் роИроЯுрокроЯ்роЯройро░்.  

родрооிро┤்роиாроЯு роХроЯ்роЯுрооாрой родொро┤ிро▓ாро│ро░்роХро│் роиро▓ро╡ாро░ிропрод்родிро▓் роУроп்ро╡ூродிропрод்родிро▒்роХ்роХாроХ ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокிроХ்роХрок்рокроЯுроо் ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокродாро░ро░்роХро│் 60 ро╡ропродு роиிро▒ைро╡роЯைрои்родாро▓ே рокродிро╡ு рокெро▒்ро▒ роХроЯ்роЯுрооாрой родொро┤ிро▓ாро│ிроХ்роХு роУроп்ро╡ூродிропроо் ро╡ро┤роЩ்роХрок்рокроЯ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо் роОрой்ро▒ு 28 рооாро░்роЪ் 11 роЕрой்ро▒ு роЕро░роЪாрогை роОрог்.36 роЙрод்родро░ро╡ிроЯ்роЯுро│்ро│родு. роЖройாро▓் роиро▓ ро╡ாро░ிроп роЕроЯ்роЯைропிро▓் роЙро│்ро│ ро╡ропродை роЕроЯிрок்рокроЯைропாроХ роХொрог்роЯு роУроп்ро╡ூродிропроо் ро╡ро┤роЩ்роХாрооро▓், ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░் роЕроЯ்роЯை, роЖродாро░் роЕроЯ்роЯை, ро╡ропродுроХро│ுроЯрой் роТрок்рокிроЯ்роЯு роУроп்ро╡ூродிроп ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокроЩ்роХро│் роиிро░ாроХро░ிрок்рокроЯுро╡родாроХро╡ுроо், родрооிро┤்роиாроЯு роХроЯ்роЯுрооாрой родொро┤ிро▓ாро│ро░்роХро│் роиро▓ро╡ாро░ிропрод்родிрой் роиோроХ்роХроо் роЪீро░்роХுро▓ைроХ்роХрок்рокроЯுроХிро▒родாроХро╡ுроо், ро╡ாро░ிропрод்родிро▓் роЖропிро░роо் роХோроЯி роиிродிропிро░ுрои்родுроо் рокро▓்ро▓ாропிро░роХ்роХрогроХ்роХாрой родொро┤ிро▓ாро│ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роУроп்ро╡ூродிропроо் роХிроЯைроХ்роХாрооро▓் рооிроХро╡ுроо் ро╡ро▒ுрооைроХ்роХுро│்ро│ாро╡родாроХро╡ுроо் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роУроп்ро╡ூродிропроо் рокெро▒ாрооро▓் рооро░рогроороЯைро╡ோро░் роОрог்рогிроХ்роХை роЙропро░்рои்родு роХொрог்роЯே рокோроХிро▒родு роОрой்ро▒ுроо் родொро┤ிро▓ாро│ро░் родுро▒ைропிройро░் родроЩ்роХро│் роХுро▒ைроХро│ை рооுрой்ро╡ைрод்родு роЗрок்рокோро░ாроЯ்роЯрод்родிро▓் роИроЯுрокроЯ்роЯройро░்.

роиро▓ро╡ாро░ிроп роЪெропро▓்рокாроЯுроХро│் роЪீро░்роХுро▓ைрои்родு ро╡ிроЯ்роЯрой. роУроп்ро╡ூродிропроо் роЙро│்ро│ிроЯ்роЯ роиро▓род்родிроЯ்роЯ роЙродро╡ிроХро│ை роЪроо்роорои்родрок்рокроЯ்роЯ родொро┤ிро▓ாро│ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роХொрог்роЯுрокோроп் роЪேро░்рок்рокродро▒்роХ்роХு рокродிро▓ாроХ роиро▓род்родிроЯ்роЯ роЙродро╡ிроХро│ை рооро▒ுроХ்роХுроо் ро╡роХைропிро▓ேропே роиро▓ро╡ாро░ிроп роЕродிроХாро░ிроХро│் роЪெроп்ропрок்рокроЯ்роЯு ро╡ро░ுроХிрой்ро▒ройро░் роЖроХைропாро▓் роЗрои்род ро╡ிро╖ роЪெропро▓ை родроЯுроХ்роХுроо் ро╡роХைропிро▓் родрооிро┤роХ рооுродро▓்ро╡ро░் родро▓ைропிроЯ்роЯு роЗрои்род рокிро░роЪ்роЪிройைропிро▓் роУро░் роЪுрооூроХрооாрой рооுроЯிро╡ை роОроЯுроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо் роОройро╡ுроо் родрооிро┤்роиாроЯு роХроЯ்роЯுрооாрой родொро┤ிро▓ாро│ро░்роХро│் родுро▒ைропிройро░் ро╡ேрог்роЯுроХோро│் ро╡ைрод்родு рокோро░ாроЯிройро░்.



Monday, August 1, 2016

A 54 year old Fragrance

He grabbed some flowers from his daily bunch and paste it in a white board in form of a goddess , people appreciated him on his novel experiment. This new venture by S Sarangan paved way to the fast moving decoration business in Chennai.

S Sarangan flower shop in Mylapore holds the history of 54 years being the one stop shop for all floral decoration needs of city. They receive orders from all part of world and export products with soothing fragrance. This shop was started by S Sarangan in 1962 as a small room near to Kapaleeshwarar temple, by gaining much acceptance by people the shop ‘flourished’. Now they are the top most flower sellers and decorators of Chennai. Now they are well advanced with the offer ‘sending flowers to your loved ones anywhere in Chennai is just a call away’.

 “There is no shortcut for success for us it is the quality we maintain. Even if artificial flowers and other decorative materials gain importance in public we insist more to natural flowers.” Says S Ramesh , son of Sarangan and current owner of the shop . He also commented that for some it is a matter of luck. If some important function happens in their home, flower form Sarangan shop is inevitable. To provide flowers for the three generations of a family is a blessed moment for the shop.

Shops history is very rich from designing set for AVM production to celebrity marriages and Thirukalyanam in temples etc. Flowers are collected from Koyembedu and ooty , the rare flowers are imported from Thailand. The long list of marriage hall designs, bride hair designs and garland designs in Rajesh’s ipad explains them as the ace decorators.

“The wedding and events culture had changed in city. All are hi-fi , bride and groom sends their suggestions through whats app. We design things with their suggestion and send back. People need variety in each phase” says K Kumaravel, Worker for 17 years While busy designing a garland of cardamom.

While leaving the shop after checking the quality of each garland Rajesh made sure that the jasmine bud garland round his father’s photograph was right in position.

Lamentation Of an Abandoned

Lamentation of an Abandoned

A woman was abandoned by her son and was thrown on the roads. The grief and sorrow within her lead her go insane and get addicted for the drugs.

Chennai, Mylapore ,august 1st,2016: Abandoned by the family is the biggest grief. The consequences faced due to it is really unimaginable. A woman has undergone the same situation where she was abandoned by her own son and husband died.

Savithri, at the age of forty eight has been thrown out the house by her family. Her husband was a drunkard and passed away before two years. She has become a burden for her son and family and so, her son left her on the roads. The reason behind her son disliking her is untold.

Everyday she comes to the roadside shop near to the kabaleeswar temple kolam and begs for food. On looking at her pathetic situation, some help her but some shew her off by hurting. She begs money and intakes drugs(alcohol) everyday. After she is overloaded with the drugs, she screams and laments louder and then faints on the roads.

The shop vendor who got used to the situation wakes her up and gives her the space to fall asleep. Savithri's son, even if he notices her on the road drunk, won't take care or take any step to recover his mother. He just passes on looking at her as a third person does.

"Once upon a time Savithri was a good home maker and she has a son named Thangadurai. After her husband passed away, she had to take care of her son and was a responsible woman and was keenly interested to make her son settle in life. She successfully completed her task. But due to few circumstances her son lead her to a situation where is has been mentally tortured by the son and family." said a woman who knows about her.

The way she was left on the roads is so pathetic that she has gone insane for she couldn't take the loneliness so easy. Sometimes the woman would be ill treated by the public and she looks panicked. "Her lamentations are heard everyday to hundreds of people but not her son", says the shop vendor.