Saturday, November 3, 2018

           Seasonal Suffers of Chennai people

 Unusual rain in Chennai city changes the lives and environment of Chennai people. Many major areas of chennai city affected by this rain and causes huge suffers to Chennai people.

      Major areas in Chennai city like Triplicane, Chennai central, mount road, Royapettah were mostly affected by this usual rain. People suffers a lot because of huge traffic jam. And it takes more than 30 min to cross those small streets in Triplicane area.
People suffers a lot to reach their working places, schools and offices. At the same time the major cause for this traffic jamming is a huge drainage lorry has been parked at the road side and corporation workers blocked half of the road to clean drainage wastes. And some of the road side vendors blocked rest of road to place their things and street food stalls. This situation leads more than 1 hour to clear the whole traffic in heavy rain. In Royapettah it floods heavy if it’s even a small rain because of worst roadways. So people would not dare to take Royapettah high road. So they choose another route it takes more than 15 mins to cross from that road.
  Another high road is mount road which links Merina Beach, Anna Salai, Richie Street, central this areas were filled with road side bikes and huge garbage wastes. This bikes are parked by the public who visits Richie street electronic spot of Chennai. And Pudhu Pettai for the spare parts and automobile repairs. So it affects whole public to cross those areas to reach other side of the city.
With this some of the garbage wastes are placed in road sides it speeds unknown diseases and spreads very bad smell while crossing through that some areas like Ice house, Loyods, Triplicane over flow of drainage water mixed with rain water and flows through all sides of the road it may cause huge unknown diseases in this season. Some of the area kids were playing nearby this bad environment. It may cause unknown diseases and already our city under the attack of dengue few people were died because of dengue including small children. Some are getting treatment in hospitals and so this environments are like booster for those kinds of diseases to spread faster in this kind of seasons.
People were admitted in many government hospitals likes Central G.H, Royapettah G.H, Stanlly and Ignore G.H ETC., Because of dengue some government hospitals were working with full-fledged and trying to be clean and proper environmental hospital zone. Corporation staffs also working in rainy days to get more awareness camps among public to Decrease viral diseases caused by mosquito's throughout the city. In some areas government conducts campaigns to get aware of rural people.
One of the major part of the Chennai city is Chennai central station which connects every part of the city. This central station were rushed with people wave because of Diwali festival effect. Peoples from every parts of the city travels towards the central station to reach their home towns using railways. So from the early morning this roads are busy with huge people crowd with this rainy combination causes huge rain water in roads of central and its surroundings. People suffered lot to cross this major most traffic zone and some people missed their trains because of rain. In this rushed situation police men struggled a lot to clear the traffic in central while it’s raining.
But still people coming out for Diwali shopping and things to buy in major shopping streets like T-nagar, Purasaivakam etc. this streets were always rushed with people in festival seasons but in this rainy season it’s not changed is nature still its  rushed with huge amount of people would like to do shopping in rain. But some of the road side crackers vendors were suffered a lot because of this unexpected rain in city. And some places like Island ground, YMCA ground and Paries corner were filled with many whole sale crackers vendors. But people are not willing to buy more more crackers because of high court judgment and current rainy season. This is how this seasonal rain totally changed the festival mood, environment and life style of Chennai people.